Tourworldinfo - Bakpia Pathuk special food of Yogyakarta, Bakpia has an origin of the word “Tou Luk Pia” which is defined as a cookie that contains meat. But with its development turned into bakpia. Bakpia are now no longer in the content of the meat but the green beans.
Bakpia Pathuk is a typical snacks from Yogyakarta city already known by the public. The tourists usually make bakpia as souvenirs for relatives at home. Actually bakpia not typical food of Yogyakarta, but comes from china. Since beginning production in the region this bakpia Pathuk then called bakpia Pathuk.
Bakpia a sweet, savory, sticky and delicious. That is what we feel when eating these snacks.
Pathuk bakpia comestible is widely on sale in the area Pathuk, malioboro, Wirobrajan. You’ll easily find a seller bakpia Pathuk if a visit to Yogyakarta. Other typical food from Yogyakarta are Gudeg yogyakrta. Now that he is the typical food of Yogyakarta in the culinary world tour this time.
Bakpia Pathuk Special Food of Yogyakarta
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